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Schwäbisch Hall

Schwäbisch Hall - The Global Market Leader in the Region

The business area of Schwäbisch Hall and Hohenlohe is one of the dynamically growing regions of Baden-Württemberg. Economy is rising, the number of staff covered by social insurance is increasing, the rate of unemployment is currently at 3.3 % (as of February 2012).

In January 2012, the town of Schwäbisch Hall invited foreign journalists for a visit to be informed about the lack of professional forces. Newspaper and TV articles in Greece, Portugal and Spain resulted from that. Especially one article in the Portuguese newspaper 'Diario Economico' caused a veritable rush of applicants. More than 15 000 people applied to the town, the Agency for Jobs and the companies. After several weeks of processing this rush, 2 000 applicants who were suitable for the German job market had already been identified just by the federal Agency for Jobs.

Mayor Hermann-Josef Pelgrim is sure that 'even if only 200 jobs should be occupied at the end, we will have provided a new perspective to 200 people and we will have counteracted the lack of professional forces in the area a good deal.'

Please, find current job offers on the websites of regiojobs24 and the Agency for Jobs. Potential applicants may also read a lot of information about working and living in Schwäbisch Hall and Hohenlohe there.

To facilitate your entry into your profession, the Goethe Institute of Schwäbisch Hall offers different systems for learning German. Please, check the German/Spanish programme flyers for further information.