Search: Schwäbisch Hall


Häuserfront mit Neubausaal; Foto: Nico Kurth
Neues Globe im Unterwöhrd; Foto: Nico Kurth
Historische Häuserfront
Rathaus Schwäbisch Hall


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Searched for "festival".
Found 10 results in 6 milliseconds.
Displaying results 1 to 10 of 10.
Festivals and Celebrations

flea market and a spring festival with live music. More information (german) Children's Festival Children's Festival in Schwäbisch Hall. Photo: Nico Kurth The Children's Festival has a long tradition. Pretzels [...] Festivals and Celebrations Cake and fountain festival. Picture: Nico Kurth. Town festivals are a consistent part of life in Schwäbisch Hall. Whatever your preferences, whether traditional, like the Cake [...] Cake and Fountains Festival, commercial like Hall's Spring and Hall's Autumn, multicultural like the Friendship Day or the famous Open-air festivals like the summer night festival or the Jacobi market: You[mehr]

Last changed: 17.05.2024
musical town

Story, Three-Penny-Opera etc.) and of course during the town festivals (Cake and Source Festival, Summer Night festival, Goethe Summer festival, Friendship Day etc.). Another specific feature: the non-commercial [...] club alpha, NCO-Club, Jazzclub, Schwerpunkt Glück and many trendy bars. The international Jazz Art Festival is of exceptional quality. Open air music is in particular organised by the Open-air performances[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
Jazz - rock - pop - folk - world music

the Kunsthalle Würth arts gallery, as well as open air concerts during the town festivals. The international JazzArtFestival of Schwäbisch Hall has been taking place every spring since 2007. The Jazz Club[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
Open Air Theatre

Unterhaltung verbinden sich sehr gut. Drei Inszenierungen auf der Großen Treppe bilden den Kern des Festivals. Im Jahr 2000 kamen zwei jährliche Inszenierungen im Haller Globe - einer einzigartigen Holzrotunde [...] festival sind in dieser Hinsicht sehr erfolgreich. Ein facettenreiches Rahmenprogramm trägt zum Festival bei, z. B. der Theaterspaziergang, das Theaterfrühstück, das Tanztheater und Einführungsvorträge[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023

old town is an attraction and the setting of a wide range of cultural activities. Hall became a festival town in 1925: The Open-air performances on the more than 500 years old stairs in front of Saint [...] Saint Michael, the Konzertgemeinde association and many other organisers. The international Jazz Art Festival, performed each year in spring, is well established. International cultural meetings take place[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023

branch of the university of Nancy. Thousands of Frenchmen come to visit the annual Saint Nicolas Festival in Epinal. Delegations and families from all the twin towns of Epinal take this chance to meet each[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023

en fungierten auch als Mitinitiatoren des internationalen Jugendtheaterfestivals. Jenseits des Festivals finden Gastspiele im Theatersaal des Neubaus statt, einem stilvollen Gebäude aus dem Jahr 1527 mit[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
Classical and church music

concerts in the historical Imperial Hall on Comburg castle. The Hohenlohe Summer of Culture is a music festival that has been taking place every year in castles and other exciting places of the region, including[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
The sectoral mix

found a home here. In addition, there are the cultural highlights: the Freilichtspiele (Open Air Festival), Kunsthalle Würth (Art Gallery), Johanniterkirche (St. John's Church), Hohenlohe Open Air Museum[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
Floor show and amateur theatre

concern young persons and that they can express in their own ways. The international youth theatre festival has been taking place every other year since 2005. For information, please contact the script editor[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023



City Schwäbisch Hall

home addressAm Markt 674523 Schwäbisch HallP.O. Box 10018074523 Schwäbisch Hallwrite mail

Geoportal Schwäbisch Hall

Spätestens seit Google Maps haben Geoinformationssysteme und Geodaten ganz unbewusst Einzug in unser Leben gehalten. Wir nutzen ganz selbstverständlich Daten und Informationen mit Raumbezug für unterschiedlichste Zwecke. Die Stadtverwaltung Schwäbisch Hall stellt Geoinformationen aus unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen der Stadt einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung.

Die Stadt Schwäbisch Hall baut, unter der Federführung der Abteilung Vermessung, seit 1996 in ihrem städtischen Geoinformationssystem (GIS) konsequent raumbezogene Daten auf.

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